Before contacting Rina, please read the FAQs below:
Q: Do you answer questions about your scholarly and/or creative works?
A: As much as I want to engage with each and everyone of my readers and as much as I am thankful that so many teachers are using my writings in their classrooms, I unfortunately cannot answer each and every question. I do not answer questions that are guide questions in homework, projects, or assignments. I also do not answer questions through social media, as most of my accounts are personal and private.
Q: Do you accept invites to interviews?
A: I do and I love engaging in meaningful conversations, as long as there is an email invitation and we can work out a schedule (again, through email). If student/s want to conduct the interview, I prefer a solicited invite from the teacher or professor.
Q: Do you accept social media friend requests?
A: My social media pages are personal and private. Unless I know you personally, I cannot accept requests.
Q: When/Where is this [publication] published?
A: Most of my publications are available without paywall (or I upload them to Academia), and when I do make them open access, all pertinent information is there. I try to include all information that would be needed for a proper citation in my uploads; if not, a quick Google search will lead you to the missing info.
Q: Are your poems always personal?
A: They mostly reflect a specific part of my life, so yes, they are personal, just as my scholarship is.
Q: If your works are inseparable to who you are as a person, can they be interpreted differently?
A: Yes. All interpretations that are justified, evidenced, and embodied are valid. I believe in what Roland Barthes has declared: "The author is dead."
Q: Why is it taking you so long to answer questions sent through the Contact form?
A: If I have not responded within twenty-four (24) hours, please reread this page. I only respond to anything that is unanswered here.
If your questions are not answered in this page, please click on the
"Contact" page to reach Rina.
Thank you for visiting this website!